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Che cos'è una pratica somatica?
The term Somatic has been defined for the first time in the 1970s by the philosopher and Feldenkreis practitioner Thomas Hanna.
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The term Somatic has been defined for the first time in the 1970s by the philosopher and Feldenkreis practitioner Thomas Hanna.
Polyvagal Theory it has been formulated by Stephen Porges in 1994 and is a cornerstone for anyone that works with traumas, stress experiences and post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD)
The fireman's carry lift is one of the most famous and commonly used lifts in Contact Improvisation. The person that flies is lifted and carried on the shoulder of the base as shown in the image above.
During my first year giving Ilan Lev bodyworks, I've noticed that the best feedbacks after a treatment come from dancers and people that are in use to work with the body in a conscious way.
Many times Ilan Lev use to say that the method is useful not just to allow the body to release a trauma removing the obstacles in movement, but also to upgrade our motor functionalities.